Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Goodness

I never knew it was possible to be this tired! Also, I hate housework more than ever---it never seems to end! I did laundry the other day and I was finally done and then everyone showered and there was more laundry! Such is life, right?

On a happier note I bought a wholesale lot of covergirl products for fifty dollars! I got 100 covergirl products for fifty dollars! Also if anyone would like some face powder---I can hook you up!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Tomorrow is the day that I was born---the day that I graced my parents lives! Man I am so cool! Let me toot my own horn for just a few minutes.

Wow I am simply amazing---today I cleaned house, did laundry and still managed to bake cookies and look fabulous when I went to pick Nina up from school.

I am teaching Henry (who is 2 by the way) to read---he already knows his left from his right, he can count to ten, and he knows all his letters.

I am a full-time student at the University of Phoenix and I have all A's.

I have tooted enough.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Mexico Pictures

So here are a few pictures from mexico---I'll post more later. A little bit about my trip: I went snorkeling! We went out to eat for every meal! I got to swim everyday and I did not get sunburnt!

My first Sunset in Mexico

This is what I got to look at when eating breakfast/lunch/dinner

This is where we stayed---second level

Monday, January 12, 2009

Holy Snow

So it is snowing like crazy here. The weather lady said 5 to 10 inches of snow by the end of today! That means I cant go work out in Evergreen :( oh well I would rather be stuck in the house and be safe and warm than stuck out in a snow drift somewhere with two kids. Nina stayed home from school today because of how much it has already snowed and how much it is going to snow. We are going to occupy ourselves with Disney movies and barbies and toy cars. Oh and mom and dad I know you read this so how about you leave some comments huh?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

12 things the kids do that make me laugh everytime

1-When Henry says "food" boot" or "pooped" it all sounds the same---so does "shoes and "juice"
2-Every time Nina has something to tell me she says "Michelle! And Michelle you know what?"
3-Henry gets up in the middle of the night and hides under the dinner table which would be pretty sneaky but when the chairs move you can hear it throughout the whole house
4-Henry says "oh! my! gosh!"
5-When either of them get into trouble and I say "come here please" they always put their hands over their butts
6-They call oreo cookies orky cookies
7-When Nina eats all the food off of her plate she holds it up and shows me
8-Whenever we drive past a fast food place Nina says "I'm hungry over there"
9-If they are fighting and I ask who wants a spanking for fighting Nina always says "Henry does"
10-Henry pretends I cant see him and walks around with his hands on his face and will try to get into the cookies
11-Nina eats bell peppers like apples---simply amazing
12-When I am super busy cleaning or whatever Henry always wants to help and Nina always comes and tells me "I dont want to help. No thank you."

Also I am kicking butt in my classes! "Excellent work. Very detailed and easy to read."
"Your explanation went above and beyond expectations. You demonstrated excellent written communication skills and were very thorough."---Darren Mcgregor my professor
Yeah my teacher said those things about me! I am freakin awesome I do think!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Poor little baby Henry

We had a pretty successful day of cleaning out the fridge and grocery shopping---I know, I know keep the Sabbath Day Holy but when you live with a family that only gets to spend time together on Sundays you end up going shopping every now and then. Well anyway we went grocery shopping at Sam's Club and then we went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. Everything seemed to be going fine and then Henry had a major blow out diaper and his little tummy has been cramping ever since. We figured out that apple juice and any other form of juice or sweet food makes him sick. We used to have juice all the time, but that was too expensive so now we just use the powdered stuff--well tonight at dinner he had apple juice and now he is sicky. He was sick last night too because of cranberry juice and Lisa and Sean only got barely an hour of sleep---so I am taking over tonight and right now the little guy is sleeping next to me in my bed. I am happy to help because Lisa works her tail off at a job where she is surrounded by complete jerks and Sean is a really good lawyer who needs his sleep!

I was sick a lot with tummy stuff when I was a kid and I was just wondering what I can do to make sure Henry doesnt have to suffer like I did. Suggestions please!